Thursday 13 February 2014

Filming schedule

Opening scene- The Interrogation


Phase 1

Phase 1 consists of the opening sequence's opening interrogation scene, filmed in the stunning environment of my family's garage.

The opening interrogation scene is simple in its content; the only prop to be used in the scene should be a metal chair with a black, padded seat.

Clothing for the character sitting on the chair should be standard and unassuming. I want to create a greater degree of mystery; a 'normal'-looking man being interrogated and beaten is more unusual.

After beating the protagonist, the interrogator will demand: "Tell us what you know"
The protagonist will reply: "What exactly?" (Or something to that effect)

The same mid-shot camera angle should be used for the majority of this phase; this scene, being an interrogation that is being filmed by the interrogators, needs to be established.

A close up shot of the protagonist's face, from his left side, should be recorded. This will draw emphasis on to the light bruising on his left eye to further cement the air of violence about this phase.

A cut to black will make way for the following phases.

Phase 2

Filming technology, creating atmosphere and establishing the theme of Reset Code.

 Random snippets from the various pieces of computer tech I have in my posession all contribute towards establishing the themes present within Reset Code.

Close-up shots will be taken, to deepen the mystery of each item's place in its own setting.


Phase 3

The filming of locations around Nottingham City to establish time frame and give my thriller a modern/sci-fi look.

 A range of locations within the city should be used to add diversity to the edited montage of clips in my thriller.

High angle shots, using one of the city's bus transports, will provide an excellent view of the sprawling city and of the people who go about their business beneath its shadow; Reset Code's narrative touches on the subject of the saftey of personal infomation, footage of crowds therefore strengthens the opening sequence's link to my ideal, fully-filmed movie narrative.

Low angle shots will make buildings seem oversized and suggest that the city is a city rising and advancing.

Phase 4

The creation, and filming of, a fictional, 'evil corporation's' data base.

Close-up shots of the database on a monitor/screen will suggest that these 'files' are being read, possibly by the main protagonist, or someone else; its presense in the final cut will strengthen the narrative of the opening sequence while also providing an enigma.

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